Phoenix House



Building and Location

Phoenix House is situated in the heart of Tokyo’s Chiyoda-ku, near the British Embassy and Imperial Palace.

The school features a large dining room with wooden benches made by pupils, a well-equipped gym with basketball and badminton courts, a professional dance studio, and local facilities for outdoor sports. The school’s library is at its heart, housing thousands of books and a broadcasting suite for House Radio shows.

Classes and Academic Spaces

The academic spaces at Phoenix House offer a spacious and welcoming learning environment. The purpose-built campus in Tokyo features classrooms bathed in natural sunlight, enhancing the learning experience.

Wide corridors facilitate free movement, contributing to an open and dynamic educational setting​.


Phoenix House’s library is a central feature of the school, offering a vast collection of popular books for pupils to enjoy.

It’s a hub for literature and oracy, further enhanced by a Broadcasting Suite, which allows House Radio shows to be aired, enriching the school’s lunchtime atmosphere​.

Extracurricular Facilities

Phoenix House’s extracurricular facilities enrich the educational experience for families in Tokyo. The school boasts a large gym with basketball court and badminton courts for indoor PE, complemented by local pitches and pools for outdoor sports.

Our beautiful dance studio, equipped with a professional Harlequin floor, hosts dance, drama, and yoga. Larger performing arts events are held in local theatres with professional stages, while the school foyer serves as an exhibition space for visual arts.

Floor Layout

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